Have you ever felt like Alice from “Alice Adventues in Wonderland: by Lewis Carroll”? Lately that’s what it has been like here at the Genesee Library. There’s so much going on so much changing, you just can’t wrap your mind around it… yet it’s all so exciting. The decision to join the other libraries who are already automated was made and so the down the tunnel we shall go. First we have started by weeding the books that are no longer being read, books that are to damaged for recirculation or the information in them is out of date. This will make room for new books to fill up our shelves most people will enjoy new authors and shiny new covers as they come through the door. UM the smell of fresh printed book, the feeling of crisp new pages as they turn in your hand …… ok back on track. Sorting and deciding how to cataloged the books, is next there are so many ways you can label a book. Dewey may not be the best way anymore so now what do we decide that’s a Mystery. I guess you will have to come in and see what we have chosen. This sets the standard for all books coming in to the library. Now it’s time to clean the shelves organize the books we have so we know where to add in new books. We got our new library cards. So exciting this will allow everyone who comes into our library to utilize the online options as well. I’m really starting to enjoy this chapter as it unfolds. I hope as you read this you will stop in and see me or continue to fallow online as we share in this epic journey dusting off our shelves and becoming digital. Thank you for reading.