The Genesee Library has been a 100% Fine Free library since June of 2019.
That however does not matter if you loan a material from another library and are late returning that item.
If the owing library collects fines you are still held accountable.
Lost Items:
If an item is lost please contact the Genesee Library at 585-928-1915 to discuss options of rectifying the situation. If you have lost materials here are some examples of ways to fix the lost item.
Additional renewal for time to search for the lost material.
Pay for a replacement material in equal or better condition as when you received the material.
Pay the library the amount of money that the material is registered for.
All options are finialized by speaking with the Genesee Library director.
If materials that you have lost are owed by another library, we must contact the owing library to discuss options for repayment.
Damaged Items:
If an item you have borrowed is damaged in anyway or you notice damage to an item you have received please reach out to the Genesee Library at 585-928-1915 as soon as possible. We understand accidents happen. Below are some examples of ways to fix if you have damaged a material.
Additional renewal for time to search for the lost material.
Pay for replacement material in equal or better condition as when you received the material.
Pay the library the amount of money that the material is registered for.
If material that you have has been damaged but is owned by another library, we must contact the owning library to discuss options for repayment.