1. All gift materials will be accepted with the understanding that the Genesee Library reserves the right to determine the final disposition of the materials. Gift materials may be added to the collection, sold, given to another library/agency or discarded.
2. Gift materials will not be accepted for which the donor places undue restrictions or specials conditions.
3. A formal written acknowledgement of gift materials will be made to the donor. However, the library cannot estimate the value of a gift or make an appraisal of gift materials monetary value for income tax or other purposes. The responsibility of appraisal lies with the donor; however, the library will provide a written receipt of such donated item.
4. Gifts of money/real property and/or stock will be accepted if any conditions attached thereto are acceptable to the board of trustees and are in accordance with all pertinent laws.
5. Gifts of money designated for the purchase of materials will be accepted with the understanding that the materials must meet the library’s selection standards.
6. Gift materials can be acknowledged with a bookplate, plaque or label or other means if appropriate to do so.
7. Any and all undesignated monetary gift or donations given to the library will become the responsibility of the Board of Trustees to spend as they see fit.
1. Money donated for memorial materials will be used in one or more of the following ways:
A. To purchase specific items recommended by the donor.
B. To purchase items in specific area to reflect the interests of the honoree.
C. Memorial donations will be deposited into the memorial fund for such use(s) as board deems appropriate.
D. Donations can be added to the Library’s endowment if so designated by the donor.